Orange County Summer Safety

Summer Safety Infographic -v2

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Orange County summer safety Guide

  1. Trips to the Beach 

Key beach safety factors to consider include: 

  • Excessive Sun Exposure – No one wants to get a sunburn during a beach trip. Instead, protect the skin by applying sunscreen regularly.
  • Rip Currents – For those who get caught in a rip current, don’t fight back. In this situation, stay calm and swim parallel to the shore. Also, follow the beach’s flag-based warning system and avoid water that may be too dangerous.
  • Drowning Dangers – Children or inexperienced swimmers should use a U.S Coast Guard-approved life jacket if they plan to swim.
  • Overheating – Spending hours in the sun can result in overheating. If overheating occurs, place a wet, cool cloth on the skin for instant relief.
  • Dehydration – Drink plenty of water and try to avoid juices and other sugary beverages that may make dehydration worse.
  1. BBQ and Pool Parties 

Important BBQ and pool party safety factors to consider include:

  • Burns – Keep a first aid kit on hand to support burn victims. In addition, be prepared to call 911 if expert medical personnel are required.
  • Pool Safety – Utilize barriers and alarms in and around a pool for added protection.
  • Child Safety – Ensure children understand how to swim before they use a pool. Plus, no child should be left unattended at a pool.
  • Fire Pits or Grills – Keep lighter fluid and fire starters out of reach of children at all times.
  • Sports Injuries – Scraped knees or bruises may occur as kids play softball or baseball at a summer BBQ. Fortunately, cleaning a wound thoroughly and applying ice to the sore area can help heal a sports injury. 
  1. General Summer Outdoor Activities 

  • Summer Allergies – Consult with a doctor to find the best ways to combat seasonal allergies that otherwise could cause excessive coughing, sneezing and watery eyes.
  • Broken Glass – Children who run and play in an outdoor area may encounter broken glass. But kids who wear shoes outdoors can avoid the risk of getting cut from broken glass.
  • Campfire Risks – Be aware of the open fire and keep a safe distance. And at the end of the campfire, let the coals burn out or drench them in water to extinguish the fire safely.
  • Falls – Pick up protective gear like helmets and knee pads to safeguard kids while they skateboard, jump on trampolines and play outdoors.
  • Insect Bites – Use insect repellent to keep bugs at bay. Also, lightweight, long-sleeved shirts, pants and closed-toe shoes can reduce the risk of insect bites.
  • Poison Ivy – Find out what poison ivy and oak look like to know how to identify them immediately. In the event of poison ivy or oak exposure, wash the impacted area with soap and wash the clothing worn at that time on the highest heat setting. 

Learning how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) will ensure sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) victims can receive instant support in life-threatening emergencies in summer and beyond.

To learn more about CPR training from SureFire CPR, please call (888) 277-3143.


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About the author

I spent 15 years as a firefighter and paramedic...

And too often I would arrive on the scene of someone unconscious, surrounded by a circle of people feeling helpless. Sometimes those people would even have CPR training but lacked the confidence and experience to act.

That’s why I started SureFire CPR. Our classes are practical and engaging – teaching you the crucial skills you need to know what to do and feel empowered to take action.

Zack Zarrilli Signature
Zack Zarrilli, Founder

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